Honoring Our Heroes.
This page is dedicated to honoring the Men and Women of the INSY Veterans Group.
INSY Veterans Group Board
Chair: Joe Wier II
Sergeant of Arms:
Tribal Council Liaison: George Rodriguez
The purpose of the Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel (INSY) Veterans Group is to fulfill the promise of the Iipay Nation to embrace and support our proud community of military veterans and their families. The direction of the INSY Veterans Group shall be driven by Honor, Tradition, Community Development, and Health.​​
Future Events
Monthly Meting
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: INSY BIN Building
Memorial Day
Date: Monday May 26th, 2025
Time: 10:00 am
Location: Santa Ysabel Cemetery
Feeding following at INSY Multi-purpose Room
Veterans Day
Date: Tuesday November 11th, 2025
Time: 10:00 am
Location: INSY Multi-purpose Room
INSY Veterans Group General Membership
James Balcone
Ronald Christman
Lawrence Cleland
Roger Coleman
Rick Dizon
Anthony Dominguez
Stephen Fletcher Jr.
Charles Guachena
Santiago Guiam
Muriel Hayward
Tina Howard
George Rodriguez
Stanley Rodriguez
Martha Strum
Simon Subish
Joey Sutalo *~
Ryan Valverde
David Vigneault
Scott Weaver
Sarah Zwicker
​David Roberts*~
Jeff Mulrooney ~
Joe Wier II ~​
Raymond Hunter
Cody Linton
Dennis Linton Sr.
Kilyaahwii Linton *
Tacomi Linton
David Osuna
LeMar Price
William Price
Colin Reed
Wesley Renyolds
Cimmerron Rodriguez*
*Active Duty
~Non-Enrolled Veteran
Honoring Those Who Have Passed
Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid.
They have earned our undying gratitude. we will never forget their sacrifice.
Leonard Alto
Sosten Alto
Cedric Angel
Augustine Beresford
Donald L. Beresford
Donald L. Beresford Jr.
Augustine Blacktooth
Frank M. Broughton
Arthur Bruce
Dean Carrisoza
Eli Carrisoza
Harry Charlie
Gilbert Cleland
Victor "Krinny" Cleland
Roger Coleman
Carl Coultress
Richard Dahl
Thomas Damion Devine
Mike Duro
Fred Gordon
Gregory Guachino
Wilford Guachino
Herbert Hall
Leonard Hartsch
Ray Daniel Hartsch
David Kitchen
Ernest LaChappa
Filberto LaChappa
Fred LaChappa
Henry LaChappa
John LaChappa
Pete LaChappa
Phillip LaChappa
Andrew LeChuse
Cleason LeChuse
Henry LeChuse
Louis LeChuse
Norm Lee
James Leo
Manual Leo
Melvin Leo
Peter Leo
Albert "Bugs" Linton
Clearence "Boy" Linton
Robert "Bob" Linton Sr.
Richard "Dick" Linton Sr.
Richard "Shot" Linton Jr.
Walter "Pumpkin" Linton
Joseph Loyd
Stanley Loyed
Stephen Magee
Norman Martinez
Edward Maxcy
Everett Maxcy
Felix Maxcy
Henry Maxcy
John Maxcy
Joseph Maxcy
Raymond Maxcy
Richard Maxcy
Stanley Maxcy
Eugene Morelli
William "Pappy" Nagel
Alec Ortega
Alexander Ortega
Frank Ortega
Fred Ortega
Erwin A. Osuna Jr.
Herman Osuna Sr.
Leonard Osuna Sr.
Leonard Osuna Jr.
Robert Osuna
Vincent Osuna
Virgil "Buncey" Osuna
Eugene Pablo
Fernando Pablo
Maximillian Pablo
Abraham Paipa
Ernest Paipa
Marcus Paipa
Abraham "Abie" Pena
Frank C Piper
Ben Ponchetti
James Ponchetti Sr.
Kenneth Ponchetti
Joe Ponchetti
Augustine Quevas​
Carlos 'Chuck' Quevas
Kelly Ragsdale
Gerry Reed
Nathan Reed
Ray Rice
Joe Rodriguez
Karl Sexton
Baptista J Sloan
Charlie Sloan
Frank Sloan
Robert Smith
Alfonso Soto
Frank Subish
Fred Subish
Frank Sutalo
Maurice Sutalo
Anthony Taylor Sr.
Chet Taylor
Mike Taylor
Archie Valle
Felix Valle Sr.
George Valle
Joe Leon Valle
Donald Vignealt Lewis
Dale Weischedel
Andrew Wilson
Edward Woods Sr.
Adolph Woods
David Woods
James Woods
If you know of an INSY Tribal Member who served in the Armed Forces and has now passed on, please email the INSY Veterans Group the following information at​.
Full Name
Dates of Service
Branch of Service
One Paragraph Bio
Augustine J. Quevas
M.I.A. WWII Soldier
Santa Ysabel Tribal Member
Augustine J. Quevas, Sgt, Air Corps 30th Bomb Squadron, 19th Bomb Group (Heavy) perished on the Hell ship called Shinyo Maru. He is listed as MIA as of the date of the sinking, September 7, 1944. He is listed on the Tablets of the Missing in Manila National Cemetery. His home state was California. He was captured on Bataan and endured the Bataan Death March, taken to Cabanatuan then on various slave details including the Davao POW Camp. He was in route from Davao to Manila when his ship was torpedoed by an American submarine and sank.
Fred Ortego
Richard Augustine Linton
U.S. Navy
He was a father of fifteen children. He started the first gun club on the reservation with his sons where they would manufacture pistols, muskets, and rifles in response to a native people's gun ban at the time. During his service duty he was stationed throughout the South Pacific. Richard was an accomplished deer hunter.
Richard A. Linton "Shot"
U.S. Army
Richard “Shot” was a dedicated family man who also was active and valued within his Tribal community. He retired after years of service with the San Diego County Water Authority. Shot spent many years as a coach both teaching the sports he loved and mentoring young athletes across generations. He is loved by his wife, child, and grandchildren and will continue to be honored and remembered for the valued time he spent with his community and family.
Albert B. Linton
U.S. Army
Albert, “Bugs” was a loving husband and father of two. He retired after over 35 years working for AT&T. Education was important to him and his family now carries that dream with a scholarship to further native learning, The Albert Benjamin Linton Foundation.
In Person
INSY Veterans Group
P.O. Box 130
Schoolhouse Canyon Rd
Santa Ysabel, CA 92070
Contact us through our website
Call us
(760) 765-0845